Thursday 22 November 2012

Doonsbury is toxic waste

The vile creature that writes Doonesbury, and those who print his lies, are the real toxic waste. They pollute the world with the evil fiction that humans are a cause of climate change.

Their agenda is in reality totalitarian socialism, one of building a world where the State controls all, even down to whether you can smoke a cigar in your back yard. For if they succeed in their evil design, your back yard won't be your possession, but something merely on loan from the State. Your children won't be your children, but you will be temporary custodians of the State's children.

Global climate change is a function of the energy emitted by the Sun. Sometimes the energy that crosses the Earth's orbit path is lesser, and then the Earth chills, and people can go ice skating on the canals of northern Europe. Sometimes the energy that crosses the orbit is greater, the Earth warms, and tropical vegetation grows as far North as 40 degrees.

The frozen mastodons and mammoths found in Siberia with tropical vegetation still in their mouths weren't warming themselves at roaring fireplaces. The El Nino/La Nina effect of the Equatorial Pacific that influences so much of Earth's weather patterns has nothing to do with any living creatures, much less Mankind. Volcanoes like Krakatoa, that created years without summers, didn't erupt because Balinese or Minoans were enjoying a nicer standard of living.

During the period 50 BCE to 200 CE, the Romans could plant and harvest wine grapes in central Britain. Then a 'little ice age' came around 1000 CE, and starvation was general in northern Europe. Rainfall changes destroyed the Anasazi and the Mayan cultures before 1200 CE, but nobody was generating electricity by burning coal or driving motorcars.

it's time for the lying to stop, and past time for vile propaganda like the Doonesbury crap to fall into oblivion.

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