Thursday 22 November 2012

The Almighty State

The ultimate Swiss Knife — the almighty State.

To Rick Salutin, Rick Salutin, Joe Fiorito, and the Red Star editors,

Why not just leave people alone? Forget Utopian dreams about a Nanny State that 'always knows what is best' for each of us. Life is already hard enough without seeking ways to make it yet more difficult.

First off, the first rebel of record was a high-ranking angel now labeled Satan and Devil, which terms mean Resister and Deceiver. That precedent makes rebellion a chancy thing. A rebel may be in reality a fighter against God. It's legitimate to resist Shaitan and his servants, but to do so we must have accurate information about just who he and they are.

Nowadays, what with bans on Bible distributions and an active discouragement of even a low median level of moral education in the schools, children are deprived of that information. Those who have not been taught what, who, when, where, and why to resist are, at best, impaired and vulnerable.
Parents in general aren't consciously servants of Satan. That bus monitor didn't set out to be his servant. She was there to represent the interests of the parents and the school system. Thus, the proper response to her mobbing by delinquents is a televised caning of each mob member, after public trials that play out the bus video for each jury and judge. (May need guards to keep the juries from whipping some defendants...)

It is one thing to resist illegitimate 'authority', such as fake 'police' who form armed gangs in order to kidnap dissidents and passersby. It is quite another for a ranting mob to corner a fat old woman who is simply trying her best to make a living and get by. The problem may be deeper: a letter writer quite properly asks if this is the sort of bullying that some girls at that school are also getting?

I recall an atrocity committed in Californicate some years ago. Seems that some graduating girl was proud of both her academic attainments and of her virginity, so at her 'prom' she was beaten and raped. Forget an Afghanistan or Eygpt, this crap first needs to stop in North America. Cane those kids, and post the event on the Internet. Like a Singapore, bring real fear to any "rebels without a cause." For any rebellion to have any legitimacy, it should espouse at least a moral practice.

"Crabs in a bucket", clawing down any seeking to climb out, is not a moral practice. A bullying mob emulates 'authority' instead of rebelling against it. Joining such a swarm reveals a deep personal fault. Just standing by reveals a personal lack. As that German Baptist pastor said, otherwise, when the Nazis at last come for you, who'll remain to squeak up?

Adults who witness a gang razzing a child should act like men. And so stand up, lay rough hands on the gang, and fling them all forth from a venue. Hopefully, coatless into the snow. At minimum. (In the case of a teenage gang, some additional butt-kicking may be called for.) A real man never sits by and lets an evil continue. Else the trains yet roll in Canada to Buchenwald and Sacsenhousen.

What attracted your gang's attention to the kid at the circus? Maybe he was a pale puffy little Jew? Such gangs are actually lynch mobs in training. Anyway, it's good that you've "come clean" at this late date. Although your columns make me wonder what, if anything, you're realized about what politically-correct mobs do to the real minority folk?

I'm not talking that fake 'minority of choice', where someone chooses to define self by some deviant practice, but that case where someone belongs to a real minority, where one is an involuntary member due genetic heritage, or, becomes a member due to a moral conviction. Those who go forth upon the ice or a battlefield made their choices and must deal with what they pretty well knew could happen. Invading other people's countries likely sees natives doing whatever it takes to eject you; the Canadians who have died in imperial adventures aren't 'heroes', but are sepoys and mercenaries. They should all fall, like some Soviet invaders, into the hands of Afghani women. (Who really know how to use knives, Joe Fiorito.) But simply riding a bus, attending a sports event, or pursuing other normal activities, shouldn't expose one to savagery. Rhetorical or real.

On the same page as your apologia for more amoral monsters-in-training is one for a Prurient Parade. 'Lingering prejudice' is an attempt to marginalize a moral position founded upon a Semitic legacy. It's clear from Genesis that, as children of Abraham, both Jews and Arabs are, at least spiritually, Semites — grandchildren of Shem. So, by little extension, anyone denying the moral principles of the Bible, and its endorsing Quran, are anti-Semites. Jew-killers in their hearts.

Those endorsing a Prurient Parade (on Canada Day of all days! — the RoC must be so very proud of their very own Sodom on the Subway...) are just like those who allowed pedophiles and hebephiles to slither into Catholic and Anglican seminaries, and then into pulpits of power. That's how one gets, females firstly as 'priests', and then deviants pretending they can be men of God.

The rot has begun to affect even those organizations striving to be freer of the world's taint, if the Conti decision is to be credited. Those endorsing a Prurient Parade strive to impell a Scouts Canada into ignoring perversity when considering guides, leaders, and councilors. In such a milieu, it's only a matter of time until another Sandusky scandal surfaces.

The servants of Satan haven't changed; societies are simply now forcibly secularized by atheists, by those desperately desiring a Universe devoid of a God Who has published standards. Nature hates a vacuum; if a space, whether actual or metaphorical, isn't maintained with that which is good and useful, then it will get filled with the foul.

Endorsements of deviancy, whether by an Obama (clearly neither a Christian nor a Muslim), by a Redford, or by a McGuinty, reveal a deeply sick North America. Probably the entire West is become a Byzantine Empire with quarreling provinces and perfidious allies, something rotten to the very core and awaiting some Turks. That Apocalypse cannot come too soon.

Now to Joe Fiorito's and that lawyer's polemics against privately-owned arms. If their Utopia of 'trustworthy police' existed, then a land where the populace were disarmed, aside from kitchen and utility knives and like tools, might work. But perjuries perpetrated by and condoned in armed public employees, ones who think they even have a 'right' to 'stand silent' and to withhold work product generated at public expense, this is what they really get. And shall always have in a society that actively resists God.

A human right may be recognized in law, but as an attribute prior to all human law, it cannot be 'given', nor can it be extinguished, by law. It can be overridden only by another human right. (A person may personally waive his own use of a right in the interest of what they see as some higher good.) As with nobility, charisma, genetic heritage, innate skill, intelligence, and other like attributes, a human right isn't a gift of the State, but of God.
Human rights inhere only in natural persons acting in private roles. No public employee has a human right to withhold any information about his conduct while on duty. Anyone who chooses to depart private capacity, for remuneration, for a nice retirement package, for an elevated position of responsibility, or for whatever reason, only has human rights when he acts in a private role.

We cannot purloin other people's human rights. They may assign privilege and power to us based on their own rights. An agent of some whole, of the State, has no rights as such, only assigned and conditional privilege. A governing principle is: "With power comes responsibility." and a knock-on one is: "The greater the power, the greater the responsibility." (In my own case — Nobliesse oblìge.)
A process may implement principles, but process itself can never substitute for principle. This is itself a principle that most lawyers fear, causing their clients to suffer. Perhaps that semi-secret radiation 'treatment' of their 'ethical gland' during 2L is often effective?

An officer detained or questioned about events occurring in off-duty hours should have the same human rights as anyone else. Nor can officers be humanely expected to be rigid enforcers of law 24 hours a day. Notwithstanding Mark Pugash, that tax-paid megaphone of the Toronto Police Service, 'standing mute' and withholding work product are not rights. What those officers invoke is a privilege. At minimum such a privilege should retract when on-duty conduct is at question.

However, I don't believe even such a minimum can serve, for if only police are armed, then that land eventually may fall into a situation where law enforcement agencies field competing gangs. The safer practical arrangement is that of Canada and the USA before 'gun bans' began to be imposed. Then truly free persons could be openly armed, or not, at their own option. Aforetime, a concealed weapon itself announced questionable intent.

A sidelight on that Utopian 'effective gun ban' environment: clearly Fiorito's emergency-room doctor has never dealt with a wound made by a purba. Very difficult to staunch. (It's a knife that should slowly exsanguinate every uniformed Chinese in Tibet.) Perhaps that doctor hasn't tried to re-attach severed limbs and heads, results from real swords. Instances where a Damascene or Toledoean blade, a talwar, or a katana, wakazashi, or a Kukri got used.

(I jest gently about the heads, for decapitation guarantees that a malefactor never returns. Quiet too, but what a stinking mess, one requiring bleach, H2O2, and a full repaint...)
To return to Fiorito's nostrum: 'Renaissance Faires' in the USA are some places where one can get a real Western sword, one which rebounds undulled from armour or stone. I myself own a pre-Showa falchion, as does my #1 wife. Not ones made for the 1930-1945 adventures, but signed blades hand-forged in the ancient manner.

Had I wished, I might have brought my firearms to Canada. I did so in 1979. But I try to be a good guest and honour even foolish conventions of a place. One can quietly buy in the USA, and bring into Canada, just about any weapon short of vehicular crew-served equipment. A real entrepreneur may buy AK47s in Africa or Central Asia for circa $50-$200 each; the ammunition is actually more expensive to acquire and ship than the weapons. Review that "Lord of War" film sometime.

With the right 'friends' and papers, anything may be acquired. Often it's pretty simple to trade out a semi-auto receiver for a full-auto one. I own one firearm where just altering the trigger group makes it automatic. Is every container brought into Canada carefully examined?

(Such 'friends' are in reality fiends: Eric Holder is in contempt of Congress because his ATF minions were trafficking magazine-fed firearms and he tried to cover this up. His corrupt intent: agents provocateur fumbling their way into another Randy Weaver or Waco atrocity, and thence to call his victims 'terrorists'.)

'Contraband' flows rather freely across the USA/Canada border. During a discussion with a federal officer while a wife renewed her passport, I was told that it wasn't just tobacco, cannabis and firearms that flowed thorough border reserves, but people as well.

'First Nation' folk may be sufficiently patriotic and careful to winnow out the truly dangerous folk. Yet people are far more important and problematical than mere things. (A firearm doesn't leap from ambush to discharge itself, and leaves don't stuff themselves into a pipe and spontaneously ignite.) So how Fiorito et alia could think that any ban less than draconian might work puzzles. For a draconian regime is precisely for what they're calling; see that intolerant and intolerable 'war on drugs'...

Some twenty-two percent of the traumas reported were due to weapons use, according to Fiorito. Which means 78% were due other causes; one supposes mostly vehicular accidents. Which means that any genuine harm-reduction effort would focus on driver quality control and on preventing interactions between incompatible vehicle types. But when are socialists ever honest? — Their idea of 'harm reduction' is ultimately the updated Stalinist/eco-fanatic formula: "A man, a problem; no human, no problem."

The 'Chinese driver' syndrome is notorious in every Western land, but most pretend to think that spur-of-the-moment impulses may be tolerated, except for insurance purposes. Fault exists, so end that hypocrisy, even if you wait until a death or maiming occurs, or for a third 'accident.' And of course any pre-adult driver should have only adult, not teenager, passengers. Plus, one is not an adult until one is 30 years old or is married. (Heterosexually, and thus genuinely.)

Has any study ever been done on the frustration factor caused by auto-hating Utopians? The constant arrogance of the little meat gods on display in Toronto's cross-walks never ceases to amaze someone who has driven vehicles in at least seven lands. When they meander the dark while wearing black garb during Winter's gloom, I get an urge to let the body be found during the next thaw.

Bans lead to human wants, and desires, getting satisfied in other ways. Perhaps destructive ways. Punitive taxation regimes are more subtile, so these cause real perversion. Probably that's one reason socialists love them, for deviant desires are what they celebrate and promote.

Bans and Prohibitions don't work for their announced purposes. Not unless draconian measures are enforced that see even a child of the powerful and privileged stood in misty morn before a firing squad. Or just publically caned. As if that would ever happen, short of a revolution...

A law can't be effectively enforced if it lacks majoritarian assent. That assent is principally founded upon a populace believing that the law serves a good principle and purpose. Yet everybody knows from history that bans are really set up to advantage the greedy and thus must fail.

None of what I relate is new. During the 1700s, Britain levied punitive import duties on distilled liquors and wines from Europe. Fishermen abandoned their trade to smuggle brandy and Cognac. By the end of that particular debacle, even magistrates were storing smuggled in-transit liquors in their granges and cellars.

(For yet another example, key 'Whiskey Rebellion' into your search engine. When American paper currency was "not worth a Continental," alcohol was the frontier's money; yet those Congressional creeps sought to tax that real money. Geo. Washington was too tolerant: Instead of just pardoning the rebels, he should also have called for new elections and campaigned against those voting such a tax. Since he was then honoured as if a king, he would have seen those plebiscites celebrated and had a different Congress with which to deal.)

Advocates for bans or punitive tax regimes are either cretins ignorant of history, or they are among those planning to somehow profit, either by engaging in a consequent trade itself, or by looting those engaged upon it. The latter looters are usually bottom-feeding scum like your 'police' and Crown attorneys. And of course bans help sell ink stains on dead trees...

Disrespecting honourable principles foments conflict. Hypocrisy, aside from the polite social kind, foments conflict. (The social kind foments avert glances, ironic smiles, and gossip.) Attempting to limit or 'regulate' human rights into oblivion is bound to cause real trouble. Such efforts co-opt the monopoly on violence that is the State in the service of hypocrisy. As with a Mexico, where any peaceful place is now real news, rather than corruption and violence being an exception to be reported.

'Wars on' practices and items associated with exercising historic human rights wind up populating concentration camps (aka 'prisons') and/or mass graves, and causes a grave disrespect for law itself, and then mass hypocrisies prevail.

Finally, people become merely 'lucky' or 'unlucky' in lottery terms, or they are clever enough to somehow weasel out of consequences and to grow wealthy from the tyranny. The numerous poor, or the merely ambitious, are likely to try playing such a 'lottery.' Compared to being always at the mercy of 'masters of the Universe' and bankers, drug dealing and weapons smuggling become reliable crafts.

If someone credibly threatens another with weapon at hand, then let the bullets fall as they may, and open trials ensue for the survivors. But don't molest those in quiet and private enjoyment of the things for which they have paid. Ignore as well occasional celebratory fireworks and delopings. Forget Utopian dreams of a perfectable society; when honouring the Tao, a sage just leaves people alone.

Tao Te Ching

Stanza 57

Govern your country with integrity. Devices may be used with great cunning, but loyalty is won by not-doing. How do I know the way things really are?
  • The more prohibitions you make, the poorer the people become.
  • The more weapons you use, the greater the unrest in your country.
  • The more knowledge you gain, the stranger the world becomes.
  • The more laws that you make, the more criminals you will have.
Therefore the Sage says:
  • I force nothing, so the people may seek good by themselves.
  • I persuade, so the people may solve their own problems.
  • I do not meddle, so the people may become prosperous.
  • I let go of the ten thousand desires, so the people may become Uncarved Stone.
P.S. If Pugash et alia want the substantive observations of defense lawyers rebutted, let the police forgo privilege, and tell everyone what really is done. Confutation may bring refutation. Of course the Charter recognizes human rights that the police must honour, thus people won't be stripped, fondled, mauled about, and beaten in hallways and cells... And that police car absolutely 'broke down' in the midst of G20 demonstrators... Actually, to call that Blair bunch "sons of bitches" horribly and gratuitously insults honest female dogs.

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