Thursday 22 November 2012

Zionist fellow-travellers determinedly clueless.

Dimanno et alia determinedly clueless.

To: Rosie DiManno, and the Red Star editors,

So here we are again. An aboriginal people are attempting to expel invaders and occupiers, and the attackers are targeting their children. I'm citing Palestine, for there isn't any legitimate 'Israel'. The Zionist entity is just a collection of murderers, robbers, and thugs that must be extirpated, and its few remaining supporters once again either killed or dispersed to the four corners of the Earth.

The Palestinian parallel with the American Indians and Australian Aborigines is exact. All the historic abuses and crimes perpetrated against them are being recommitted by the Zionists, and yet news outlets support the occupiers and attackers. William Randolph Hearst has his nauseating heirs, and some work at the Red Star.

Any compromise with the Zionists and their sponsors is to commit national, tribal, clan, and familial suicide. For the agents of the secular West always target those least wary and capable of defending themselves — the children and the nubile females. The recent assaults on the Catholic schools of the Toronto area are typical of the sly slithering nature of the God-haters.

The intellectual dishonesty of the Zionists is typified by a Faith (what a travesty of a name!) McGregor, they hunting down even those striving to quietly mind their own business to persecute them. What's next, some collection of flaming queers invite the Red Star to help them invade someone's home or small business to demand accommodation?

But to return to the murderers now occupying Palestine, a reason why Egypt's regime is unwilling to even give a Biblical label to the foul brood infesting Occupied Palestine is patent; there hasn't been any ethnic Israel since circa 70 CE, and there never will be again. Any future Israel will be that of the Christ, a spiritual one chosen and assembled by him.

Ancient Israel was one chosen, assembled, and aided by God. Aided too many times in my estimation, but He is always patient and sometimes merciful. Any man-made 'Israel' is a blasphemy. A violent and insane conspiracy of robbers is not an Israel, but is something unspeakable, and Mr. Morsi has quite properly declined to publically utter a blasphemy. Good on him.

That current chief Zionist thug is no "Gift of Yah", but is another stumbling blasphemy. Like a Stalin or a Mao, he may die wallowing in the things his crimes gained him, but he lays up endless violence for his ideological and actual children. Or he condemns them to some 'final solution', one against the Palestinians, or one of scattered charnel pits glowing in the dark.

What clueless secular moderns deeply desire is a Universe devoid of any moral principles except those they decide upon via some temporary and partial consensus. Yet Gravity Works, and all your medical procedures and devices, Botox treatments, and cosmetic surgeries can do is put off its inexorable effects.

There are deep fundamental rules and processes of this Universe, and one absolute rule is that a murderer and a robber can never be allowed keep his ill-gotten gains, nor ever be allowed to pass them on to whomever he pleases. Even the sneak thief who moves his neighbour's boundary stones cannot be tolerated, but must withdraw his false claims and either pay recompense or die. (Deut. 27:17)


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